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Flight compensation?.....Consider it done! overbooking compensation

2147 review 4.68

Up to 600,00 € per passenger

Check it in only 2 minutes

Free claim management

2299 review 4.93
Img 1DelayFlight24 enforces EC 261/2004
European Regulation
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overbooking overbooking compensation

Useful tips, how to claim overbooking?

In case of overbooking , you are entitled to a compensation up to € 600.
Managing disputes to claim a overbooking compensation is increasingly complicated, for this reason DelayFlight24 takes your side.
Collect all the information you have about the flight with and fill out our form to check if you are entitled to your refund, you will receive immediate feedback and we will start all the practices until overbooking compensation will pay to you.
You can check the progress of your practice directly from your personal area, moreover our team will be at your disposal to follow you up to the process of closing the complaint.
Our mission is to provide quality legal services to resolve conflicts between our customers and airlines in the most effective way.
The European regulation 261/2004 provides for a maximum period of time to claim compensation, which varies from the provisions of each state.
The European regulation protects travellers from inconvenience, the amount of compensation does not depend on the price of the ticket, but on the distance of the flight, as follows:
250 € of overbooking compensation for flights up to 1500 km,
400 € of overbooking compensation for flights between 1500 and 3500 km,
600 € of overbooking compensation for flights more than 3500 km.

When I'm entitled to receive a overbooking compensation? overbooking compensation changing according to your flight distance:

Up to 1.500 km


250,00 €

From 1.500 to 3.500 km


400,00 €

Over 3.500 km


600,00 €

What do I have to do to get a overbooking compensation?

If in the last 3 years your flight has been canceled or delayed of 3 or more hours, we can take care of claiming for your rights!

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When entering the data of your flight, we can analyze the delay, the reasons and check the procedure and the value of the compensation to which you are entitled.

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We take care of everything. We will claiming for your rights with the airline and we will inform you about the progress of the claim.

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Once the airline pays the compensation, we will send you the money in your bank account!

Are you entitled to receive a overbooking compensation? Find out by entering your flight data in our system. You will receive up to 600,00 € compensation

2147 review 4.68

Last problematic flights

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Know your your rights to claim a overbooking compensation

Regulation 261/2004 of the European Parliament defines measures to protect passengers travelling within a restricted area:

  • Flights with departure from EU airport and arrival to EU airport
  • Flights with departure from EU airport and arrival to non-EU airport
  • Flights with departure from non-EU airport and arrival to EU airport operated by EU airlines.
  • In case of overbooking is required to indemnify the passenger with a maximum amount compensation of 600 euros.

    Airlines often don't tell passengers their rights, so that the passengers don’t know how to claim for an eventual compensation.
    First of all we need to understand if following a overbooking it must recognize to passengers a refund or compensation.

    The refund, as the word itself says, consists in the refund of the amount paid by the passenger when he cannot fly. If the flight is an overbooking, the passenger must claim a ticket refund if does not reschedule it on the first useful flight

    Compensation instead is the amount in case of overbooking must recognize to each passenger due to an overbooking and it has a value ranging from 250 to 600 euros, as follows:

    • 250 € of overbooking compensation for flight’s itineraries lower 1500 km
    • 400 € of overbooking compensation for flight’s itineraries included between 1500 km and 3500 km
    • 600 € of overbooking compensation for flight’s itineraries higher than 3500 km

    In addition, in case of overbooking and waiting at the airport of more than 2 hours the airline must provide the passenger with the appropriate assistance: a voucher to use for a meal, a couple of phone calls and the eventually the possibility of staying in a hotel if the flight is postponed to the next day.

    When I'm entitled to get a overbooking compensation?

    The passenger always is entitled to receive a overbooking compensation.

    Check it more about: compensation

    How DelayFlight24 can help you?

    No stress, by choosing us you will be supported by a team of specialists who have been working in the industry for years and who know the details of the regulations. The support for the claim is completely free and a commission of 25% will be applied only if we can obtain the overbooking compensation!
    What are you waiting for?
    Trust us and all you have to do is plan your next trip. If you have experienced a delay, cancellation or overbooking and want to know how to receive your compensation, you are two minutes far from the solution.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    ✈️ When can I request compensation from

    You can request a flight compensation in the following cases:

    • Delayed flight of more than 3 hours
    • Cancelled flight with less than 14 days’ notice
    • Overbooking

    In 98% of cases we achieved compensation.

    Find out if you are entitled to compensation.

    💰 How much compensation do I get for eu261?

    EU Regulation 261 amount is related to the flight’s distance:

    • 250 € for flights up to 1500 km
    • 400 € for flights from 1500km to 3500 km
    • 600 € for flights over 3500 km

    Check now your compensation, in just one click!

    ⏰ How long do I have to file a compensation claim?

    It depending on where the airline is based, you can claim for flight compensation up to 6 years back:

    • United Kingdom and Ireland: 6 years
    • France and Spain: 5 years
    • Denmark and Germany: 3 years
    • Italy: 2 years

    Check your compensation.

    Don't hesitate to use DelayFlight24 flight checker to find out how much compensation you are entitled to.

    🔎 How do I know if my flight is eligible for compensation?

    If your flight has been delayed more than 3 hours, cancelled or overbooked, you may be entitled to compensation.

    You can enter the details into the online form to verify your flight.

    Check your flight here.

    ✏️ How do I claim compensation from

    You can claim trough the online compensation form.

    In a few minutes we will process your request and we will keep you up to date until you receive your compensation.

    See how to send a compensation request.

    💸 How long does take to pay compensation?

    The average time to obtain the compensation from is approximately 90 days

    We will keep you updated throughout the whole process.

    File here your compensation claim.